Day Two {31 Days of Wisdom}

“…indeed, if you call out for insight
    and cry aloud for understanding,
 and if you look for it as for silver
    and search for it as for hidden treasure,
 then you will understand the fear of the Lord
    and find the knowledge of God.
For the Lord gives wisdom;
    from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”


Throughout all of Scripture there are patterns in the words.  There are things God says He will do and things He asks us to do.  Our faith is based on grace and thankfully not on what we produce or how hard we try.  Yet there is a will God gives us and a choice we are to make to either desire Him or this world.

Call out…

Cry out…

Look for it…

Search for it…

It speaks of being purposeful for the desire to hear from God and maybe even a desperation to tune out the noise of the Internets, the radios, the news channels, the advice columns, the self-help books, even your well-meaning girlfriend.

What He promises is to give you knowledge and understanding that only He can give.  From his mouth.

Will you ask for it today?  Will you search for it like a hidden treasure?


One thought on “Day Two {31 Days of Wisdom}

  1. I really needed this today. I love how he says to call, then to cry. Look and then search. The intensity builds. There are somethings I really need the Lord to do in my heart. I know His Word says that if I seek Him I will find Him, if I seek for Him with all of my heart(Deut 4:29)

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